Introducing this MORE 'Music With Friends' page

On my SONG-WRITING Blog (within the Category called 'Music With Friends') I occasionally post a music video I shot, but seldom more than one, even if I shot a bunch of other videos of the same family, quartet, choir, orchestra, or whatever.
So it's here on this 'Scrapbook Page'— called MORE 'Music With Friends'— that I will paste some of those additional photos and videos that are too good to stay buried in digital never-land.
Disclaimers: Some of the stuff on this page may be 'semi-professional' but most will probably be quicker, impromptu shots, more like the home-made family videos you shoot, for just collecting joyous Life Memories.
For convenience, I'll typically shoot HD-Quality with my hand-held iPhone (no tripod, or tracking/panning equipment) so you may see some distracting tilting/shifting where I walk around to capture a different angle, or even some stripes in the video if I pan too fast. I'm still learning :)
Please remember that we're just 'family.' Even if we've had no practice sessions, little warm-up time, and we occasionally make some mistakes-- we can joyfully share some marvelous musical moments. And of course we'll all be better at it, the next time we get together!
So it's here on this 'Scrapbook Page'— called MORE 'Music With Friends'— that I will paste some of those additional photos and videos that are too good to stay buried in digital never-land.
Disclaimers: Some of the stuff on this page may be 'semi-professional' but most will probably be quicker, impromptu shots, more like the home-made family videos you shoot, for just collecting joyous Life Memories.
For convenience, I'll typically shoot HD-Quality with my hand-held iPhone (no tripod, or tracking/panning equipment) so you may see some distracting tilting/shifting where I walk around to capture a different angle, or even some stripes in the video if I pan too fast. I'm still learning :)
Please remember that we're just 'family.' Even if we've had no practice sessions, little warm-up time, and we occasionally make some mistakes-- we can joyfully share some marvelous musical moments. And of course we'll all be better at it, the next time we get together!
So pull up a chair and sit beside us. Sing along, if you'd like. Or if you're alone as you watch this, you can slip on a good pair of headphones to double the sound quality... and, Let's Begin!
More "Craig Bauman Family" videos from Dec. 25, 2015
"Hallelujah Chorus" (recorders)If I listened to their wishes, you probably wouldn't get to see this one, because it was a quick, unrehearsed, 'one-time-through' with cold recorder heads wanting to condensate.
But I'm almost positive Handel would want me to share it with you— watch it, and I'm sure you'll agree. Lydia, Dorothy, Miriam, and Weston. [3:48] |
Waves of God's PowerThis is a lovely tune Abigail learned in China, called "Waves of Gulangyu" for which she composed new God-honoring verses. She plays it here on her 'Celestial' lap harp, made by her father, Craig.There's a little background conversation in the second half of the recording, but not objectionable: you'll find it a blessing! [2:44]
How Great Thou ArtAbigail plays this old favorite on her 66"-high Gothic harp (36-strings, 5-octaves C-to-C) built by Reuben Hostetler. If you're like me, you'll be worshiping God as you see these flying fingers that have obviously spent hundreds of hours touching God's heart to well-tuned strings. A longer recording [5:19] beautifully played.
A sweet family, leaving us rich in memories of great food and special times together. When we meet again, may we tell what the Lord has done for us.
More "Kravets Bros." videos from Dec. 10, 2015
"O Love the Lord" (vocal)And another one-time-through, hand-held, iPhone video, showing that this isn't the first time these brothers have sung together. May God bless our struggling world with more young men like this, men who love to bless God and man with godly music. Sergey, David, Vlad, and Yuriy. [1:32]