In this dark little room we hear animals slumbering, a lamb softly bleating, and a few oxen lowing their last sleepy calls of the day. A sleeping rooster has perched near our heads.
But our eyes are drawn to a rough-sawn feed trough, in which a newborn baby lies sleeping. His young Mother looks at Him— with adoring eyes— and beside her a young Jewish man bows before the Babe in amazed worship.
The animals cannot know, and the worshipping man and woman can hardly comprehend, that this helpless, newborn infant is that very Being Who once spoke themselves and our world into existence. But their hearts are bowed, as our should be, before the sacred scene.
Click HERE to see it at my YouTube Channel.
I must apologize again that this is just an unpolished "Demo" and is certainly not "CD Album" quality. My present goal is to get a hundred or so of my songs out of their folders, and see if I get any feedback toward hiring professional CDs made, or making some of them available in sheet music or songbooks.
Oxen Are Lowing In Stables Dim
Dark are the alleys in Bethlehem;
Hush, children, sleep, through the whispering night,
Circled by stars with a radiance bright.
Slumber, Judea, amid your hills,
Shepherds awake to celestial thrills;
Hark! the bright Angel speaks to their fear--
Tidings of gladness of Life they hear.
Sleep, deeply sleep, O Bethlehem,
Oxen and rooster, and donkey and Lamb--
Joseph bows down to the One they've adored,
Mary exults in her newborn Lord.
Sleep, little Child from the Father, sleep,
Hidden away in the silences deep;
Dim is the stable, dark is the night,
Where You are shining, dear Child of Light.
Call the composer at 269-228-1999, or email him at [email protected]