I want to do what a man can,
And You to do what a man cannot,
And do toGether what only a man with God can do;
For I am on your earth, and love my God,
And You are in your Heav'n, and love your man,
But I cannot and You will not do ought alone
I want to do what a man can, And You to do what a man cannot, And do toGether what only a man with God can do; For I am on your earth, and love my God, And You are in your Heav'n, and love your man, But I cannot and You will not do ought alone
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What should I do, when someone sincerely praises me? Should I disagree, pretending that what I did has no merit? Should I change the subject, letting things cower toward an awkward silence?
Many decades ago, before I had really faced these questions, I built a large set of oak kitchen cabinets for a county fairgrounds teaching facility. After the job was completed, one of the committee ladies who had ordered them complimented me on the workmanship. God's Word declares that He
And yet, He sees every sparrow that falls, and can guide me through everything I face. "Lord, help me to remember that truly You are with me, and that, even in Your great big universe, I am precious to You, and I am 'humbly invincible' within Your will." Are you making a "post-bucket list" of all the things you would like to do AFTER you die? I have a few things on mine:
1. I'm hoping to speak to ALL my Bible heroes— King David, the apostle John, Noah, and so many more. Fact: "If you have a limited number of persons in an eternal situation, logic says that you will have plenty of time to talk to each one of them, and to every combination of them, an INFINITE number of times! WHEW! Wrap that! God is Light, and whenever He speaks, He speaks the WORDs of LIGHT. As a Christ-follower, I walk in His Word and His Light, and I shine as a Light in this world (Phip. 2:15).
This world may lie in darkness, and its 'heroes' and 'leaders' may let me down, but God's LIGHT still shines! And HE will never let me down! [Reason #79] Go to http://www.stanbrubaker.com/27-reasons-im-glad.html for your FREE DOWNLOAD of my ebook "27 Reasons I'm GLAD I'm a Christian." A Free E-Book for Your Encouragement!In June of 2013 my wife Janice and I moved from Michigan, to Berks County, Pennsylvania.
As we spent our first month here in our small, temporary (we thought), home, I began meditating on some of the reasons I have to be really glad for God’s provision, His protection, and His “exceding great and precious promises.” For many years we have nurtured a daily habit of reading through the Scriptures, using various versions of the One-Year Bibles. I decided that every time I came across an especially-meaningful promise, or a really- encouraging thought, I would just jot it down. Then I got to wondering if other folks might be encouraged if I would share my “gladnesses” with them. I could add fitting photos to the first “27 Reasons” in my list, and help brighten up other people's days too. Today—two years and more than 300 Reasons later— this first little collection goes forth. Don’t rush through it too quickly. Each “gladness” holds a promise or principle that will help change our lives for the better! How I wish I had understood more of these soul-freeing truths when I was first a child of God! —Stan Brubaker, July 2015 [ From the book's Introduction— Click on this page to Download your Free Copy ] |
Author Stan Brubaker is a Truth-seeker, a published song-writer and author, and a happily married father of three-and-a-half-dozen children (that's three sons, and a half-dozen daughters). Archives
January 2017