Would it not be a terrible thing to give a strong— but false— assurance to a person who is still in his sins— still living in a state of adultery, or with "murder" (hatred?) in his heart, or with a
But might it be just as dangerous for us to deny the amazing POWER of the blood of Christ, and of the FAITH in HIM that can lift us ABOVE evil addictions, unbelief, and their attendant insecurities that our enemy wants us to keep wallowing in?
May God bless each one who listens to the message of this powerful song!
EXPUNGE is not an everyday word. Dictionaries tell us it means "To blot out, destroy, efface, erase, strike out, obliterate, or wipe out."
Regarding the Legal Term, The American Bar Association says "An Expungement Order directs the court to treat the criminal conviction as if it had never occurred, essentially removing it from a defendant's criminal record..."
Amazing! Did Jesus really do that for me? He not only forgave me of my sins, and gave me power to live above them, but obliterated my record, so it is as if my crimes never even happened?
Lord, show us our sins, that we may see ourselves as we really are! Share us Your wonderful Gift of Repentance! Expunge our private and public records! And help us to live before You with a constant devotion of awe-struck gratitude.
Complete Lyrics
1.And are my sins expunged? And has my name been cleared?
In Jesus blood my soul is plunged— Is dead to all it feared!
Sure as the fact that Christ has ris'n that resurrection morn,
So all my sins have been forgiv'n, and I have been reborn.
I died in Him when Jesus died, I rose when He arose;
From sin's defeat I stand complete in confident repose.
2. So did my Life expire upon that cursed tree?
Then I am dead to sin's desire, and sin is dead to me!
Baptized by faith into His death, into His life of grace,
I daily enter into rest, into a son's high place!
© 2008 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC