This new Hymn takes us beyond the Sufferings of our Lord on the Cross, and up into the GLORIES He now shares with the Father! This is so Encouraging!
As you follow through this ballad, you will be an Observer— watching the strangest, and most horrible, and most wonderful Event that has ever happened! Gazing at Jesus on His cross— the only good place for all the horrible sins crushing Him to death— you will see all the evils of our broken world being OVERCOME by the most perfect LOVE ever carried in a bleeding, bruised, and broken body! Strange— so wonderfully strange! JUST BECAUSEUnder the bright blue sky of our spinning Earth pain, confusion, and disappointment often try to drag us down. But look up! ...and keep looking ahead!
Our brief testing-time will soon be over, and an eternity of "they lived happily ever after" assuredly awaits the Faithful. WHERE SHALL I SEARCH BENEATH THE SUN?
This haunting minor and its first four verses came to me on Aug.15, 2006, but two years would pass before I wrote the bridge after verse 4, and another seven months before I composed the final verse in Jan. of 2009. In the same way that a song-writer may search, then wait awhile for a fresh perspective, then work again— always looking for a purer phrase of lyrical or This short video plays Track 09 of our new CD: "21 Songs & Hymns." I wrote this song on July 11, 2008, and have been somewhat hesitant to publish its strong message of assurance ever since!
Would it not be a terrible thing to give a strong— but false— assurance to a person who is still in his sins— still living in a state of adultery, or with "murder" (hatred?) in his heart, or with a I LIKE TO SING WHEN I'M ALONE
Since I'm more of a "loner" than most of my friends, I'm thankful God gave me this "people-song" which children— and families with children— love to sing. May you enjoy its encouraging message! When I wrote the song back in 2003, our society seemed to enjoy a safer and saner culture, so today the song's themes are increasingly vital. HAD I TEN THOUSAND TONGUES TO PRAISE
On a 3x5 Post-It™ note, of all things, I wrote this tune and the first verse of its lyrics, back on Feb. 23rd of 2017— then finished the other three verses the following day. During these past five decades I've hastily scribbled down songs on envelopes, in stores, in my car on the way to or from work— even on a Kleenex™ once, just as the music was ready to begin at a funeral service. Sadly, for me personally, this song gives sober reflection on how many HOURS of precious TIME I have wasted in my fifty years as a Christian. Springtime in Israel.
Flowers waving, doves cooing, vineyards and orchards calling, romance is in the air— NEW LIFE is vibrating in every breath we breathe. How is it possible, that thirty years have passed since I set the six verses of this beautiful passage in King Solomon's "Song of Songs" to music! So simply and beautifully it shows Christ in all His holy passion and pining, CALLING US AWAY, to run over the hills with Himself! Thank You, Lord, and thank you, Edith S. Witmer, for arranging it for choir! ______________ FULL LYRICS: RISE UP, MY LOVE The voice of my Beloved! Behold, He cometh, Leaping upon the mountain, Skipping upon the hills! The voice of my Beloved! Behold, He cometh, My Beloved spake and said to me, “Rise up, my love, and come away; Rise up, my love, my fair one, come away.” My Beloved is like a roe or a young hart; (young hart) Behold, He standeth behind our wall! He looketh forth at the windows, showing Himself at the lattice. My Beloved spake and said unto me, (unto me) “Rise up, my love, and come away; Rise up, my love, my fair one, come away. (come away)" “For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, The time of the singing of birds is come, And the voice of the dove is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, The vines with their tender grapes give a good smell. “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away! Rise up, my love, my fair one, come away! (Come away.)" ______________ ©1989 Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC This song came to me early on a Sunday morning, in late September. I was taking a short prayer-walk— just before sunrise— heading eastward.
I don't remember if the sugar maples along the road had already started to color. But as the sun began baptizing the new splendors of the morning around me, the words and music of this simple little hymn started singing together in my heart. It's one of my wife Janice's favorites; she probably doesn't remember it was written a day before her birthday. _________________ FULL LYRICS: ONLY GOD CAN MAKE A MORNING 1.Only God can make a morning full of mystery and bliss! Only God can make a new day with beauty like this, Turn the star-shine to sunrise, as the day begins to glow, While the night-song falls silent 'mid the splendors below, And we worship You, Lord, O Lord, our Lord, dear Lord, And we worship You, Lord, our Lord so high. 2.Only God can make a morning full of majesty so bold, Touch the clouds on the horizon, and paint them with gold; Bring the birds to full chorus, as He sets His torch ablaze, While His awe settles o’er us, as we think on His ways, And we worship You, Lord, O Lord, our Lord, dear Lord, And we worship You, Lord, our Lord so high. 3.Only God can make a morning like the one that soon will be, When the Savior comes in splendor and bright majesty; When we see You, Lord Jesus, Your bright angels circling 'round, And the King of all Glory in His glory comes down, We will worship You, Lord, O Lord, our Lord, dear Lord, We will worship You, Lord, our Lord so high. Words & Music © 2007 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC ______________ To purchase this CD with its 21 Original Tracks, or the two pocket-size "Heart Songs" Collections, just click HERE. All three items there are still discounted, and there's an EXTRA discount if you order the "Trio"— each of the Songbook Collections plus the CD. You probably should do that now, since I need more money, and YOU need more SONG! :-) "After the Tempest" is the first track on the CD we just released, and the first of my eight compositions sprinkled through "Heart Songs" Collection One.
Composed in the late 1980s, this song was a favorite of a dear friend of ours whose MS progressed from walking with a limp, to a walker, then a wheelchair, and finally years being bedridden. His joy in spite of his affliction, and his tears when our family sang this song at his request, will always make it special to us. To purchase the two "Heart Songs" Collections, and this first CD just click HERE. All three items there are still discounted, and there's an extra discount if you order the "Trio"— each of the Songbook Collections and the CD. |
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September 2024