Have you heard the "Divine Whoa!" recently? Possibly not— but when the Holy Spirit whispers to us, may we turn aside, and season our busy lives with some simple celebrations of resting, refocusing, revitalizing, refreshing, and renewing— by coming to Him.
Come Ye Apart
"Come, ye distressed, and rest for awhile;
Billows may roll their crowd-fevered madness,
Turn from the tempest— Come ye apart.
"Come ye and learn of My infinite peace,
Cease from the din in your soul;
Come ye and lean on a dear Savior's breast,
Rest till your spirit is whole.
Bring all your burdens, temptations, and cares,
Failures and fears to My heart,
Cease from the labor of striving alone--
Come to Me, come ye apart."
"Lay down your toils and tears for a time;
Power and peace to you I have promised,
Prove you My love— Oh, come ye apart.
"Come ye apart," the Savior is calling,
"Duty will stay, to wait your return;
Only one task I ask you forever:
Joy in My presence— come ye apart.
Composed 9-8-1987 © 1987 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC