Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts,
1. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts,
Holy Father, Holy Son, and Holy Ghost,
Through eternal ages past Your majesty was pure,
Through the ages yet to come will still endure.
One great Name above all names we magnify;
Sweet the phrase we learn to lisp, the praise we yearn to bring,
Lads and maidens, subjects, bow before our King.
3. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God divine,
Brighter far than sun or star Your truth will shine;
Heav’n and Earth will pass away, our world be made anew,
Bright rebirth! The heart will see Your heart all true.
Copyright 2008 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC
A simple hymn, with perhaps nothing new or profound... just another attempt to restate some of the Wonder, Majesty, and Grandness of our great God/King. Verse 1 sees the triune God as Lord of Heaven’s Armies (Hosts). Verses 2 & 3 bring Him to Earth as our King now, and in His eternal Kingdom.
PARALLELISM: Holy... Holy... Holy (Holy Father... Holy Son... Holy Ghost...)
Through eternal ages past... Through the ages yet to come...
1. “one great Name above all names...”
2. in verse 3, line 2: “truth” shining “brighter far than sun or star”
3. our present “Heav’n and Earth” passing away... for the “Bright rebirth!” of our world “made anew”
past pure... learn lisp... bow before... sun star shine... away anew...
RHYME: Perfect end rhymes, but not much internal rhyme.
1. six “long A” sounds in v.2: great Name names phrase praise maidens
MY FAVORITE PASSAGE: I like the double internal rhyme of “phrase we learn... praise we yearn...”
1. Its meter will keep this song from being sung to existing tunes: the cyberhymnal.org meter list hasn’t a single one! [link: http://www.cyberhymnal.org/mid/met/met.htm_ ] Fortunately, the Lord gave me a nice, reverential tune with the words.
2. Are “lads and maidens” and “subjects” too archaic, or a nice twist— what do you think? And what about Holy ‘Ghost’? I personally like to use such phrases in some of my hymns to help keep the old English alive, since so many really grand old hymns would perish along with it.
For the next few postings, we hope to look at ‘Christmas’ hymns— some old favorites, a new “spiritual,” etc.
I’m hoping to do more of these studies, and then see if there’s enough interest to continue. Odd-numbered posts examine my own hymns, and even-numbered ones will look at some old favorites written by others. Do you have one to suggest?
Please email me if you’d like a Sibelius or PDF file of the music for this hymn.
Blessings on you and yours, till we meet, Stan B.