Lord, deliver us into the very highest and best that you have for each one of us, that we may SHINE, as lights in this world.
[This ROUGH Demo Video is downloadable.]
Not a Shadow Lies Between Us
Share the brightness of His likeness, like the clear crystal sky;
Like the rainbow in the storm cloud, I am standing on His Word,
And I am resting on His promise in the goodness of the Lord,
Yes, I am resting on His promise, in the goodness of the Lord.
Not a worry stays between us, for Christ has said,
I may trust Him, I may ask Him, for my own daily bread;
Like the bluebird in the meadow greeting each new day with song,
I lift my joyful voice to praise Him, for His mercies rich and strong,
I lift my joyful voice to praise Him, for His mercies rich and strong.
We will ever walk together, my Lord and I--
He has promised grace sufficient, and I need not ask why:
For He loves me! How He loves me! He has died to cover all--
Sees every lily on my pathway, Every sparrow that may fall,
Sees every lily on my pathway, Every sparrow that may fall.
Not a shadow lies between us! When fears would flood
I am standing in my Savior, safely kept by His blood;
Safely standing, but I'm longing for the hour of greater grace
When not a shadow falls between us, as I gaze into His face,
When not a shadow falls between us, as I gaze into His face.
© 2011 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong LLC
Composed July 12, 2011 Phone 269-228-1999