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My heartfelt thanks, until we meet face-to-face. —Stan Brubaker
Once On a Cross, Behold Him Now
1.Once on a cross, behold Him now, in Heav’n exalted high!
The Glory-ones before Him bow, in adoration cry.
Behold the Lamb of God, upon a Throne,
‘Mid glowing seraphim so bright;
With shining wings, each shields his face
Before the blazing Light, Before His holy Light.
2.You tasted Death for ev’ry man, in writhing agony,
But now You reign— alive again!— in Sov’reign majesty.
No more the wretched shame, the dark’ning death,
The drinking deeply of our stain;
Applauded now by angel breath,
O ris’n Redeemer— reign!
Come, weep for joy, ye sons of Earth,
Who groan for your release;
As did your Lord, redeem your birth--
Exalt the Prince of Peace, Exalt the Lord of Peace.
3.Defiled by our brutish race, You spilled Your holy blood,
But now we celebrate Your Grace, O good, Incarnate God;
Behold the Sorrows-Man, in tears no more,
Enthroned above the gems of fire;
The crystal pavement ‘neath their feet
Reflects the saints' Desire--
“Worthy the Lamb Who once was slain,”
Whose flesh for man was riv’n,
“Blessing and Honor, Glory, Power”
Are ever His in Heav’n, Are His in highest Heav’n.
Music and Words composed by Stanley K. Brubaker
© 2017 by Stanley K. Brubaker / Brooksong, LLC