But if you want your life to count big— if you want your Earthly Investments to pay back Huge Eternal Dividends— well then you simply must become a radical
Christian. As in, 'like Jesus originally taught.' Rooted in Him. Living out what is Essential.
"Must?" you say... Yes, for Jesus was no modern American, with our typically HUGE disconnect from the eternal realities. Get to know Him by reading HIS words, heeding HIS warnings, pleading HIS cause. Commit yourself to HIM alone as your 'bottom line.'
Never let the Roots of your Beliefs be warped by what another 'mere man' thinks (for he too will be arraigned before God for judgment) or by the temporary creed or subjugating selfishness of a 'mere denomination'. Ask God what HE wants from you. Go to The Source, and 'Read The Bible— it sheds light on the commentaries!'
Life is so much bigger than any man, however impressive, or any exciting or comfortable movement. Read some of the good old writers. Follow some of those sold-out Christ-followers from centuries past— martyrs, missionaries, thinkers, and DOers, who gave themselves to God to the utmost. With your hand in God's, GO!
No, it won't be 'fad'ish, but please become more 'rad'ish— rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ. And if 2017 ends up being your last year on earth, you'll be so glad you did.